Before I start writing, I wanted to let you know that Tilly, the Americauna passed last night while I was at work. I found her and my heart broke. She will be missed.
It was only 10 days ago that I purchased 1 inch peat pots and started planting seeds and they are sprouted and growing! I've purchased starts the previous last couple of years but this year along with the chicks, I wanted the challenge of really getting into things. I started organic heirloom seedlings indoors on my dining room table and I can't wait to plant them in my new boxes that my husband is building. We have an unusually large driveway in North Portland and are in the process of converting it into an urban farm. Let's just hope it works! I'll keep you posted with the progress of both the garden and the chicks daily.
RIP Tilly... run around free in the great chicken coop in the sky...